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Descubra aqui a tendência BIAB para Unhas


O que são unhas BIAB?

BIAB, que significa ‘Builder In A Bottle’, é um sistema de unhas que combina os benefícios do verniz em gel com os  do gel construtor. É um produto versátil, adequado tanto para o tratamento de unhas naturais como para extensões. As unhas BIAB são frequentemente elogiadas pela sua resistência e durabilidade, tornando-se uma opção habitual entre os técnicos de unhas e clientes que desejam unhas impecáveis e resistentes.

Quanto tempo duram as unhas BIAB?

As unhas BIAB apresentam uma excelente durabilidade, podendo durar até 4 semanas sem lascar ou desvanecer. Têm um aspeto natural semelhante ao de um semi-permanente, mas com a resistência e solidez de um gel construtor. Isso torna-as uma escolha perfeita para quem procura um visual impecável mesmo com rotinas ocupadas.

O que é o BIAB no B System da ProNails?

Géis tudo-em-um num só frasco para fortalecer e alongar as unhas de forma natural, sem ácidos e vegan, disponíveis em tons naturais ou coloridos.

Este estilo de unhas naturais é conhecido como BIAB. No entanto, o B System é mais do que apenas um construtor em frasco (que é o que a sigla BIAB significa)! O B System é um sistema de gel profissional único para fortalecer unhas naturais ou fazer extensões de unhas, sendo muito fácil e rápido de aplicar.

Conhece o BIAB? Então, vai gostar ainda mais disto! Eleve o seu salão com unhas em gel de última geração! A fórmula inovadora e tudo-em-um do B System BIAB  garante que precisa apenas de 1 produto para a sua manicure, além do primer e da lâmpada LED para cura.

Estes géis BIAB proporcionam uma significativa economia de tempo, permitindo agendar mais clientes nas mesmas horas de trabalho, o que se traduz num aumento dos rendimentos, pelo menos 2.000€ a mais por mês.

Graças a estes géis que poupam tempo, agora é possível fazer uma nova manicure de unhas em gel em apenas 45 minutos e realizar um retoque em apenas 30 minutos! Para além disso, os géis B System são vegan e possibilitam obter resultados naturalmente finos, robustos e duradouros nas unhas. Um gel sem ácidos, como o gel B System, proporciona um aroma mais agradável e é benéfico tanto para as unhas dos seus clientes como para a sua saúde!

BIAB melhorado - Por que os géis B System são o futuro do estilo de unhas.


Géis B System BIAB da ProNails

  • Géis B System tudo-em-um: 1 único produto é suficiente para a base, construção, cor e brilho (BFLEX), bem como para as extensões (BSTRONG)
  • BIAB natural (BFLEX ou BSTRONG) ou cor (BCOLOUR)
  • Com menos etapas
  • Aplicação fácil & rápida
  • 1 gota: extremamente auto-nivelante
  • Sem recarga
  • Brilho intenso com a Smart Light
  • Sem necessidade de brilho adicional
  • Adesão e durabilidade ideais para todos os tipos de clientes e unhas
  • Pincel integrado

Este é um novo serviço de gel hipernatural e na moda que os seus clientes procuram e que dará um grande impulso ao seu negócio de beleza!

Qual é a diferença entre um Gel BIAB, Gel de Construção, Gel Semipermanente e Gel Acrílico?

A principal diferença entre BIAB, gel construtor, semipermanente e acrílico está nas suas aplicações e nas suas propriedades:

  • Semipermanente: is a gel product used to strengthen and colour natural nails. It offers a beautiful glossy finish and lasts longer than traditional nail polish, it is also easy to apply like nail polish. You can usually choose from a Peel base or Soak base here.
  • Builder Gel: is mainly used for lengthening nails and creating a solid base. It is thicker than BIAB and requires several coats. Builder Gel is usually less flexible to work with. Before this builder gel, you also need a builder gel.
  • Acrylics: are made by mixing a liquid and powder, which causes a chemical reaction that hardens the nail. Acrylic is very strong, but it can damage natural nails if misapplied or removed. Moreover, it often has an unpleasant odour.

Ontdek de 3 verschillende BIAB B System Gels: BFLEX – BSTRONG – BCOLOUR

Within the BIAB B System, there are 3 types of gels. Who needs which gel? That depends on your client, their daily habits and the length of the nails. Remember: the client chooses the colour and you choose which type of gel is needed. Does your client want a colour look? Then choose BFLEX or BSTRONG Clear and finish the look with BCOLOUR.

BFLEX - Short nails

BFLEX products are used for natural nail strengthening, to strengthen short natural nails. This is your new customer magnet! People with short natural nails who love a natural, stylish, timeless nude look will become your new customers.

BIAB nails are all the hype on social media.

Influencers with countless posts and stories about satisfying natural nail looks inspire people daily. One by one, they are convinced by the convenience of the timeless and natural look you get with BFLEX. Promote your Natural Nail Treatments with the right hashtags and the way to your salon will soon be found!

Benefits of BFLEX

  • Nail strengthening for short natural nails
  • New set & touch-up in half the time
  • Time-saving making you earn more
  • All-in-one formule: base, build, nude tint, gloss
  • Customer magnet
  • A natural look with the durability of gel
  • Vegan
  • Acid-free
  • SOFT for 30 seconds
  • Choose from 21 nude shades
  • Enjoy sublime shine

BSTRONG - Long nails

Create beautiful, thin and strong gel nails with stencil extensions with BSTRONG! Create the most desirable natural looks or use them as a base under your favourite BCOLOURS. With BSTRONG Clear and Pure (for a milky French edge) you can extend gel nails in half the time, in the most natural way!

This time saving is a huge advantage for you, but also for your clients, who can schedule this shorter gel treatment more smoothly into a busy day.


What makes BSTRONG even more powerful? You can also use it as a camouflage gel, to elegantly lengthen the nail bed.

Benefits of BSTRONG

  • Nail strengthening for long natural nails
  • New set & refill in half the time
  • Time-saving making you earn more
  • All-in-one formula: base, build, nude shade, gloss
  • A natural look with the durability of gel
  • Vegan
  • Acid-free
  • SOFT for 30 seconds
  • Choose from 6 shades
  • Enjoy sublime shine
BIAB Nagels kleur

BCOLOUR - Fastest colour

Apply BCOLOUR gel to 5 fingers at a time before curing, for maximum time savings. With a single coat you get 100% coverage, without streaks or clouds, for both light and dark colours. Did you know that this bottle contains twice as much pigment as the average colour gel?

Combination with Bflex and/or Bstrong

You can combine this colouring gel with any BFLEX and BSTRONG gel. With the BCOLOURS your B System is completely complete: you start with the acid-free Primer, choose BLFEX or BSTRONG, combine with a trendy BCOLOUR colour and cure in the Smart Light for a WOW shine.

Benefits of BCOLOUR

  • Time-saving colour gel in a bottle
  • Profitable
  • Combine with BFLEX & BSTRONG
  • Coverage in 1 layer: double the pigment!
  • Precise fan brush leaves no streaks & clouds
  • 5 fingers at a time for application & curing
  • Cures 30 sec FULL in Smart Light LED Lamp
  • No sticky layer after curing
  • Extremely resistant, non-soakable

Volg een gratis BIAB B System Demo


During this demo, we will give you concrete tips & tricks on how to work faster, schedule more clients per day, without working more hours. Want more examples of gel nails, see the BIAB B Gels with your own eyes and get your questions answered? Then sign up for a free B System demo, on-site at one of our ProNails Training Centres or schedule a personal live demo with one of our trainers online.


Combineer BFLEX met BSTRONG voor eindeloze mogelijkheden

Did you know that there are already 27 BFLEX shades? With BSTRONG, there are only 5 nudes. But combining BSTRONG with BFLEX creates endless possibilities within the nudes shades!

You build the gel nail with BSTRONG and finish with a layer of BFLEX as a tinted gloss layer. If your client wants an extension, you extend the nails first with BSTRONG and then build the nails with BSTRONG as well. You are then done because BSTRONG also shines like a gloss. But if you still want to offer a different shade, then finish by applying a layer of BFLEX of your choice as a tinted gloss.


  • If you want to give a BFLEX colour more transparency, first build with BSTRONG CLEAR.
  • If you want to lighten the BFLEX colour, build with BSTRONG PURE first.
  • And if you want to create an ombre, build with one of the BSTRONG shades and combine it with a contrasting or complementary BFLEX shade.

Werk sneller en verdien minstens € 2000 extra per maand met het BIAB B Gel System van ProNails!

‘More time savings means more treatments and more turnover. Do the math yourself!’

The ProNails B System is a cost-effective gel system that will boost your business. Working faster means scheduling more clients in the same number of working hours. For example, if you go for 2 extra clients per day, you will earn at least €2,000 extra per month, which amounts to at least extra €24,000 per year! Or would you rather opt for more free time and a better work/life balance? The choice is yours!

Learn to work with B System BIAB gels: become a nail stylist or improve your technique

Discover our comprehensive nail stylist training courses, perfect for beginners and experienced professionals alike. For over 40 years, ProNails has offered specialised training courses. The full B System can be found in our offer.

Tips & Weetjes

WAUW Gloss

Want to be sure of a beautiful high-gloss finish? Then always cure the B System gels in the Smart Light LED lamp, for a smart curing with heat control. No curing lamp makes B Gels shine like the ProNails Smart Light.

BIAB Nagels kleur

5 tips

Our 1-layer BCOLOUR colour gel is the latest time-saving innovation in the ProNails gel range. The application is super easy! And with every new product innovation comes a corresponding technique. We have already listed 5 indispensable tips for a perfect BCOLOUR application for you. Take a look!

Seasonal colours

Did you know that all the colours in our new collection are available in BCOLOUR? They are available in a box or separately as you like.

Social media

Show on social media that you offer this B System service in your salon!

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