Error executing template "Designs/ProNails_generated/_parsed/WebshopPage.parsed.cshtml"
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state.
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryCloseInternal(Boolean closeReader)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.Close()
   at System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
   at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
   at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
   at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable)
   at Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.DataAccess.DynamicwebData.Query(String sqlQuery, SqlParameter[] parameters)
   at Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend.AdvancedGridServices.GetHeaderGridDataTable(Int32 AreaID, Int32 PageID) in C:\vso\PronailsBase\BluedeskBaseSolution\ClientBase\ItemTypes\Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution\Frontend\AdvancedGrid.cs:line 198
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_7590efad26f244098d86bf6e0f4d8373.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\Bluedesk\\files\Templates\Designs\ProNails_generated\_parsed\WebshopPage.parsed.cshtml:line 889
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()
Error Number:596,State:1,Class:21

1 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 2 3 @using System; 4 @using System.Web; 5 @using System.Linq; 6 @using System.Data; 7 @using System.Data.SqlClient; 8 @using System.Globalization; 9 @using System.Reflection; 10 11 @using Dynamicweb; 12 @using Dynamicweb.Content; 13 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 14 @using Dynamicweb.Environment; 15 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 16 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend.Navigation; 17 18 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 19 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 20 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 21 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 22 23 @using Bluedesk.Tools.Generic; 24 @using Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.DataAccess; 25 26 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 27 28 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 29 30 @using System; 31 @using System.Web; 32 @using System.Linq; 33 @using System.Globalization; 34 35 @using Dynamicweb; 36 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 37 @using Dynamicweb.Environment; 38 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 39 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend.Navigation; 40 41 @using Bluedesk.Tools.Generic; 42 43 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 44 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 45 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings.Configuration; 46 47 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 48 49 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 50 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 51 52 @{ 53 54 var master_configuration = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageByNavigationTag(Pageview.AreaID, "MasterConfiguration"); 55 MasterConfig mc = master_configuration.Item.ToCodeFirstItem<MasterConfig>(); 56 57 bool HideStandardFooter = mc.FooterConfiguration.HideStandardFooter.ToString() == "True" ? true : false; 58 59 string MasterConfigCssClass = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.CssClass) ? mc.CssClass : ""; 60 61 // GeneralConfig GeneralConfiguration = mc.GeneralConfiguration; 62 EcomConfig EcommerceConfiguration = mc.EcomConfiguration; 63 64 bool WithVATBool = Pageview.Area.EcomPricesWithVat == "True"; 65 bool pricesWithoutVatForUsers = EcommerceConfiguration.ShowPricesWithoutVatForUsers; 66 bool pricesWithoutVatForValidVat = EcommerceConfiguration.ShowPricesWithoutVatWhenValidVatNumber; 67 if(pricesWithoutVatForUsers && !pricesWithoutVatForValidVat && Pageview.User != null) { 68 WithVATBool = false; 69 } 70 if(pricesWithoutVatForValidVat && Pageview.User != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Pageview.User.VatRegNumber)) { 71 WithVATBool = false; 72 } 73 string ecomShowPricesWithVat = WithVATBool.ToString().ToLower(); 74 string ecomPricesFormatted = (EcommerceConfiguration.FormattedPrices).ToString().ToLower(); 75 76 bool IsNotContentManager = false; 77 bool isVisualEditor = Pageview.IsVisualEditorMode; 78 79 if (isVisualEditor) 80 { 81 System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PreviousPage"] = Pageview.Page.ID; 82 IsNotContentManager = (Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.GetCurrentBackendUser()?.Groups?.All(g => g.Name != "Content managers") ?? true); 83 } 84 85 BaseSettingsObj BaseSettings = new BaseSettingsObj(); 86 87 BaseSettings = BaseSettingServices.RenderBaseSettings(Pageview); 88 HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"] = BaseSettings; 89 90 //if (HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"] == null) 91 //{ 92 93 //} 94 //else 95 //{ 96 // BaseSettings = (BaseSettingsObj)HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"]; 97 // if (BaseSettings.AreaID != Pageview.AreaID) 98 // { 99 // BaseSettings = BaseSettingServices.RenderBaseSettings(Pageview); 100 // HttpContext.Current.Session["BaseSettings"] = BaseSettings; 101 // } 102 //} 103 104 BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration; 105 BaseSettingsButtons BaseSettingsButtons = BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.Buttons; 106 107 var font_configuration = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageByNavigationTag(Pageview.AreaID, "FontConfiguration"); 108 109 var httpdomain = Dynamicweb.Environment.Helpers.LinkHelper.GetHttpDomain(); 110 var lang = Pageview.Area.CultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName; 111 var langName = Pageview.Area.Culture; 112 113 var csrftoken = application._webapi.Helper.CSRFHelper.TokenHeaderValue(); 114 var designRoot = BaseSettings.DesignRoot; 115 116 var phonenumber = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Phonenumber; 117 var formattedPhonenumber = phonenumber.Replace(" ", String.Empty); 118 var emailadress = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Emailadress; 119 var buttonIconClass = Pageview.Area.Item["Global_button_icon"] != null ? Pageview.Area.Item["Global_button_icon"].ToString().Replace("+", " ") : "fal fa-arrow-right"; 120 var callmebackformlink = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.CallMeBackForm; 121 var mobileThemeColor = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.MobileThemeColor; 122 123 bool isOffline = false; 124 125 DateTime workingHoursStart = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.OpeningTime; 126 DateTime workingHoursEnd = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.ClosingTime; 127 DateTime today = DateTime.Now; 128 var cHour = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; 129 int cDay = (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek; 130 string availableToHour24hFormat = workingHoursEnd.TimeOfDay.ToString().Substring(0, 5); 131 var timeFromInput = DateTime.ParseExact(availableToHour24hFormat, "H:m", null, DateTimeStyles.None); 132 string availableToHour12hFormat = timeFromInput.ToString("hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 133 var availableToHour = lang == "en" ? availableToHour12hFormat : availableToHour24hFormat; 134 bool isOvertime = cHour >= workingHoursEnd.TimeOfDay || cHour <= workingHoursStart.TimeOfDay; 135 bool isNoValidDate = today < workingHoursStart || today > workingHoursEnd; 136 if (isNoValidDate || isOvertime) 137 { 138 isOffline = true; 139 } 140 141 Boolean showBreadcrumbs = Pageview.Page.PropertyItem != null && Pageview.Page.PropertyItem["ShowBreadcrumbs"] != null ? Convert.ToBoolean(Pageview.Page.PropertyItem["ShowBreadcrumbs"]) : false; 142 143 var appcss = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/app.css"); 144 145 var favicon32 = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/assets/img/favicon-32.png", true); 146 var favicon16 = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/assets/img/favicon-16.png", true); 147 var favicon = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/assets/img/favicon.ico", true); 148 149 favicon = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon) ? BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon : favicon; 150 favicon16 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon16) ? BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon16 : favicon16; 151 favicon32 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon32) ? BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Favicons.Favicon32 : favicon32; 152 153 var appbundlejs = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/app.bundle.js"); 154 var appAsyncbundlejs = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/appAsync.bundle.js"); 155 var vuebundlejs = Cache.VersionedFile(designRoot + "/dist/vue.bundle.js"); 156 157 //*** Start Scanapp configuration ***\\ 158 bool hideHeader = false; 159 bool hideFooter = false; 160 bool hideBottombar = false; 161 162 if (HttpContext.Current.Session["ScanApp"] != null) 163 { 164 hideHeader = mc.ScanAppConfig.ShowHeader; 165 hideFooter = mc.ScanAppConfig.ShowFooter; 166 hideBottombar = mc.ScanAppConfig.ShowBottombar; 167 } 168 // END Scanapp configration **\\ 169 170 } 171 172 173 @{ 174 string fooProductDetailConfigurationID = mc.EcomConfiguration.ProductDetailConfigurationID; 175 string fooProductOverviewConfigurationID = mc.EcomConfiguration.ProductOverviewConfigurationID; 176 177 int ProductDetailLayoutID = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageForItem("ProductDetailConfigurationPage", fooProductDetailConfigurationID)?.ID ?? 0; 178 int ProductOverviewLayoutID = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageForItem("ProductOverviewConfigurationPage", fooProductOverviewConfigurationID)?.ID ?? 0; 179 180 System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["MasterPageSetup"] = "Ecommerce"; 181 182 string queryParamGroupId = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("GroupID"); 183 string queryParamProductId = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("ProductID"); 184 185 bool isOverviewPage = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParamProductId); 186 bool isDetailPage = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParamGroupId) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParamProductId); 187 string jsIsOverviewPage = isOverviewPage.ToString().ToLower(); 188 } 189 190 <!DOCTYPE html> 191 <html lang="@lang" prefix="og:"> 192 <head> 193 <meta charset="utf-8"> 194 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 195 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 196 <meta name="theme-color" content="@mobileThemeColor"> 197 @Model.MetaTags 198 <title>@Model.Title</title> 199 200 @RenderSnippet("canonical") 201 @RenderSnippet("ogTags") 202 203 @{ 204 string urlProtocol = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.Url.Scheme; 205 List<Dynamicweb.Content.Page> pageTranslations = new List<Dynamicweb.Content.Page>(); 206 bool isMasterPage = Pageview.Area.IsMaster; 207 if (isMasterPage) 208 { 209 pageTranslations.Add(Pageview.Page); 210 if (Pageview.Page.Languages != null) 211 { 212 foreach (var language in Pageview.Page.Languages) 213 { 214 if (language.Active) 215 { 216 pageTranslations.Add(language); 217 } 218 } 219 } 220 } 221 else 222 { 223 pageTranslations.Add(Pageview.Page.MasterPage); 224 if (Pageview.Page.MasterPage != null) 225 { 226 if (Pageview.Page.MasterPage.Languages != null) 227 { 228 foreach (var language in Pageview.Page.MasterPage.Languages) 229 { 230 if (language.Active) 231 { 232 pageTranslations.Add(language); 233 } 234 } 235 } 236 } 237 } 238 foreach (var page in pageTranslations) 239 { 240 if (page != null) 241 { 242 string url = $"Default.aspx?ID={page.ID}"; 243 string groupid = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("GroupID"); 244 string productid = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("ProductID"); 245 string variantid = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("VariantID"); 246 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupid)) 247 { 248 var groupObj = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services.ProductGroups.GetGroup(groupid, page.Area.EcomLanguageId); 249 if (groupObj == null) 250 { 251 continue; 252 } 253 url = $"{url}&GroupID={groupid}"; 254 } 255 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productid)) 256 { 257 var productObj = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services.Products.GetProductById(productid, variantid, page.Area.EcomLanguageId);; 258 if (productObj == null) 259 { 260 continue; 261 } 262 url = $"{url}&ProductID={productid}"; 263 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variantid)) 264 { 265 url = $"{url}&VariantID={variantid}"; 266 } 267 } 268 269 string currentdomain = Context.Current.Request.Url.DnsSafeHost; 270 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.Area.DomainLock)) { 271 currentdomain = page.Area.DomainLock; 272 } 273 string friendlyUrl = Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl(url); 274 string href = $"{urlProtocol}://{currentdomain}{friendlyUrl}"; 275 string hreflang = page.Area.CultureInfo.Name.ToLower(); 276 <link rel="alternate" href="@href" hreflang="@hreflang" /> 277 } 278 } 279 } 280 281 282 <link rel="preconnect" href=""> 283 <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> 284 <link href="@appcss" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 285 286 @{ 287 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(favicon32)) 288 { 289 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="@favicon32"> 290 } 291 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(favicon16)) 292 { 293 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="@favicon16"> 294 } 295 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(favicon)) 296 { 297 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="@favicon"> 298 } 299 } 300 301 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 302 @using System; 303 @using System.Web; 304 @using System.Linq; 305 @using System.Globalization; 306 307 @using Dynamicweb; 308 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 309 @using Dynamicweb.Environment; 310 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend; 311 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend.Navigation; 312 313 @using Bluedesk.Tools.Generic; 314 315 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 316 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 317 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings.Configuration; 318 319 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 320 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 321 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Extensions; 322 323 @helper RenderCSSKeyAndValue(string Key, string Value) 324 { 325 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Value)) 326 { 327 <text>@Key : @Value !important;</text> 328 } 329 } 330 331 @helper SetFontCSSVariables(FontConfigurationItemTab FontConfiguration) 332 { 333 334 string Top = != 0 ? + "px" : ""; 335 string Left = FontConfiguration.left != 0 ? FontConfiguration.left.ToString() + "px" : ""; 336 string Right = FontConfiguration.right != 0 ? FontConfiguration.right.ToString() + "px" : ""; 337 string Bottom = FontConfiguration.bottom != 0 ? FontConfiguration.bottom.ToString() + "px" : ""; 338 339 string Position = FontConfiguration.PositionAbsolute ? "absolute" : "relative"; 340 341 string Color = FontConfiguration.Color?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? ""; 342 string BackgroundColor = FontConfiguration.Backgroundcolor?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? ""; 343 344 string BorderColor = FontConfiguration.BorderColor?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? ""; 345 string BorderSize = FontConfiguration.BorderSize != 0 ? FontConfiguration.BorderSize.ToString() + "px" : ""; 346 347 <text> 348 349 --Position: @Position; 350 351 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Padding", FontConfiguration.Padding) 352 353 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Top", Top) 354 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Left", Left) 355 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Right", Right) 356 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Bottom", Bottom) 357 358 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--Color", Color) 359 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontSize", FontConfiguration.FontSize) 360 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontStyle", FontConfiguration.FontStyle) 361 362 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontWeight", FontConfiguration.FontWeight) 363 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--FontFamily", FontConfiguration.FontConfiguration.FontFamily) 364 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--LineHeight", FontConfiguration.LineHeight) 365 366 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--BackgroundColor", BackgroundColor) 367 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--BorderColor", BorderColor) 368 @RenderCSSKeyAndValue("--BorderSize", BorderSize) 369 370 </text> 371 372 } 373 374 375 <script> 376 window.globals = { 377 pageId: '@Pageview.ID', 378 Token: '@csrftoken', 379 DW_AREA_CULTURE: '@langName', 380 DW_AREA_CULTURE_SHORT: '@lang', 381 globalIconClass: '@buttonIconClass', 382 DW_USERID: '@Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.User.GetCurrentExtranetUserId()', 383 isEcomOverview: @jsIsOverviewPage, 384 DW_SHOW_PRICES_WITH_VAT: @ecomShowPricesWithVat, 385 DW_PRICES_FORMATTED: @ecomPricesFormatted, 386 DW_GROUP_ID: '@queryParamGroupId' 387 }; 388 </script> 389 390 @BaseSettings.System.HeadScript 391 392 @{ 393 var _cookieOptinLevel = Dynamicweb.Environment.CookieManager.GetCookieOptInLevel(); 394 var _enabledCookieCategories = Dynamicweb.Environment.CookieManager.GetCookieOptInCategories(); 395 if (_cookieOptinLevel.ToString() == "All" || _enabledCookieCategories.Contains("Marketing_Cookies")) 396 { 397 @BaseSettings.System.HeadScriptAfterConsent; 398 } 399 } 400 401 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 402 @{ 403 404 var reviewName = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Name != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Name : ""; 405 var reviewBestRating = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Best_Rating != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Best_Rating : ""; 406 var reviewWorstRating = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Worst_Rating != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Worst_Rating : ""; 407 var reviewRatingValue = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Rating_Value != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Rating_Value : ""; 408 var reviewCount = BaseSettings.Review.Review_Count != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_Count : ""; 409 var reviewUrl = BaseSettings.Review.Review_URL != null ? BaseSettings.Review.Review_URL : ""; 410 411 var searchPageID = Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.Generic.PageHelper.GetPageIDByNavigationTag("searchresults", Pageview.AreaID); 412 var domain = Dynamicweb.Environment.Helpers.LinkHelper.GetHttpDomain(); 413 } 414 415 <script type="application/ld+json"> 416 [{ 417 "@@context": "", 418 "@@type": "Organization", 419 "name" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName", 420 "url": "@domain", 421 "sameAs" : "@BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Facebook", 422 "logo": "@domain@BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Logos.Logo", 423 "contactPoint" : [{ 424 "@@type" : "ContactPoint", 425 "telephone" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Phonenumber", 426 "contactType" : "customer service" , 427 "@@context": "", 428 "@@id": "@domain", 429 "name": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName" 430 }], 431 "address": { 432 "@@type": "PostalAddress", 433 "streetAddress": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Address", 434 "addressLocality": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.City", 435 "postalCode": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Zipcode", 436 "addressRegion": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Region", 437 "addressCountry": "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Country" 438 } 439 }, 440 { 441 "@@context": "", 442 "@@type": "WebSite", 443 "name" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName", 444 "alternateName" : "@BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.AltCompanyName", 445 "url": "@domain", 446 "potentialAction": { 447 "@@type": "SearchAction", 448 "target": "@domain/Default.aspx?ID=@searchPageID&q={search_term_string}", 449 "query-input": "required name=search_term_string" 450 } 451 }] 452 </script> 453 454 <script type="application/ld+json"> 455 { 456 "@@context": "", 457 "@@type": "Product", 458 "name": "@reviewName", 459 "url":"@reviewUrl", 460 "aggregateRating": { 461 "@@type": "AggregateRating", 462 "bestRating": "@reviewBestRating", 463 "worstRating": "@reviewWorstRating", 464 "ratingValue": "@reviewRatingValue", 465 "reviewCount": "@reviewCount" 466 } 467 } 468 </script> 469 470 471 @RenderSnippet("DataLayer") 472 @RenderSnippet("GoogleMapsScript") 473 474 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 475 476 @{ 477 478 // TODO: Add there options to master config for product overview 479 bool hidePricesForGuests = false; 480 bool hideShoppingCartForGuests = false; 481 482 bool enableShoppingCart = hideShoppingCartForGuests && Pageview.User == null ? false : BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleShoppingCart; 483 bool enableLogin = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleLogin; 484 bool enableQuickOrder = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleQuickOrder; 485 bool enableAdvancedSearch = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleAdvancedSearch; 486 bool enableCallMeBack = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleCallMeBack; 487 bool enableDyslexicFont = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleDyslexicFont; 488 bool enableProductCompare = BaseSettings.Features.ConfigModuleProductCompare; 489 } 490 491 492 <style> 493 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 494 @using Dynamicweb; 495 496 @using System.Data; 497 @using System.Data.SqlClient; 498 @using Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.DataAccess; 499 500 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 501 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Settings; 502 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 503 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 504 505 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 506 507 @Title("Configuration page template") 508 509 @{ 510 511 string RoundedCornersValue = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.RoundedCorners; 512 string ButtonHeight = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.ButtonHeight; 513 514 string fontawesomeFontFamily = "Font Awesome 5 Pro"; 515 int fontawesomeFontWeight = 300; 516 517 switch (BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.FontawesomeStyle) 518 { 519 520 case "fal": 521 fontawesomeFontWeight = 300; 522 break; 523 case "far": 524 fontawesomeFontWeight = 400; 525 break; 526 case "fas": 527 fontawesomeFontWeight = 900; 528 break; 529 case "fad": 530 fontawesomeFontWeight = 900; 531 fontawesomeFontFamily = "Font Awesome 5 Duotone"; 532 break; 533 } 534 535 } 536 537 @BaseSettingServices.RenderButtonCSS("btn__primary", BaseSettingsButtons.PrimaryButtonConfiguration) 538 @BaseSettingServices.RenderButtonCSS("btn__secondary", BaseSettingsButtons.SecondaryButtonConfiguration) 539 @BaseSettingServices.RenderButtonCSS("btn__contrast", BaseSettingsButtons.ContrastButtonConfiguration) 540 541 :root, 542 body { 543 544 --BaseColorPrimary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.BaseColorPrimary; 545 --BaseColorSecondary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.BaseColorSecondary; 546 --BaseColorContrast : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.BaseColorContrast; 547 548 --BaseFontPrimary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.PrimaryFontFamily; 549 --BaseFontSecondary : @BaseSettingsBrandConfiguration.PrimaryFontFamily; 550 551 @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.BodyInlineStyles 552 --StandardUnitSize : 3.2rem; 553 } 554 555 .footer { 556 --FooterContainerDisplay: none !important; 557 display: var(--FooterContainerDisplay) 558 } 559 560 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.HeaderInlineStyles } 561 562 h1.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H1InlineStyles } 563 h2.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H2InlineStyles } 564 h3.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H3InlineStyles } 565 h4.cta-paragraph__header { @BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.H4InlineStyles } 566 567 .po-block__addtocart .btn, 568 .productdetails__add-to-cart, 569 .searchbox__input { 570 border-radius: @RoundedCornersValue; 571 } 572 573 main.blur { 574 filter: grayscale(50%) blur(15px); 575 -webkit-filter: grayscale(50%) blur(15px); 576 } 577 578 .AdvancedGridButton { 579 --BorderRadius: @RoundedCornersValue; 580 } 581 582 .btn { 583 height: var(--StandardUnitSize); 584 } 585 586 .btn__icon { 587 588 --fontawesomeFontFamily : "@fontawesomeFontFamily"; 589 --fontawesomeFontWeight : @fontawesomeFontWeight; 590 591 font-family: var(--fontawesomeFontFamily); 592 font-weight: var(--fontawesomeFontWeight); 593 594 -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; 595 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 596 display: inline-block; 597 font-style: normal; 598 font-variant: normal; 599 text-rendering: auto; 600 line-height: 1; 601 602 } 603 604 .cta-paragraph { 605 background-color: var(--mainBackgroundColor); 606 } 607 608 .cta-paragraph__container { 609 background-color: var(--contentBackgroundColor); 610 border: var(--contentBorder); 611 } 612 613 .cta-paragraph__subheader, 614 .cta-paragraph__header, 615 .cta-paragraph__text p, 616 .cta-paragraph__text li { 617 color: var(--Color); 618 background-color: var(--BackgroundColor); 619 border-color: var(--BorderColor); 620 position: var(--Position); 621 top: var(--Top); 622 left: var(--Left); 623 right: var(--Right); 624 bottom: var(--Bottom); 625 padding: var(--Padding); 626 border: var(--BorderSize); 627 font-size: var(--FontSize); 628 text-transform: var(--FontStyle); 629 line-height: var(--LineHeight); 630 font-weight: var(--FontWeight); 631 font-family: var(--FontFamily); 632 border-radius: var(--BorderRadius); 633 } 634 635 .cta-paragraph__content-container { 636 align-items: var(--ContentElementAlignmentAlignItems); 637 text-align: var(--ContentElementAlignmentTextAlign); 638 } 639 640 .cta-paragraph__btn-navigation, 641 .cta-paragraph__content-container { 642 align-items : var(--ContainerFitContentAlignmentAlignItems); 643 justify-content: var(--ContainerFitContentAlignmentJustifyContent); 644 } 645 646 .jumbotron__subheader, 647 .jumbotron__header, 648 .jumbotron__shoutbox-intro p, 649 .jumbotron__shoutbox-intro li, 650 .header--desktop.headerNew { 651 position: relative; 652 } 653 654 .header--desktop.headerNew.stickyheader { 655 position: fixed; 656 } 657 658 @@media screen and (min-width: 992px){ 659 .image-left { 660 justify-content: flex-end; 661 flex-direction: row; 662 } 663 664 .image-right { 665 justify-content: flex-start; 666 flex-direction: row-reverse; 667 } 668 } 669 670 .AdvancedGrid__row { 671 background-color: var(--BackgroundColor); 672 } 673 674 .cta-paragraph__btn-navigation { 675 padding: 1.2rem 0rem !important; 676 } 677 678 .AdvancedGrid, 679 .AdvancedGrid__container { 680 width: 100%; 681 background-image: var(--BackgroundImage); 682 min-height: var(--Height); 683 } 684 685 @{ 686 687 int PageViewId = Pageview.Page.ID; 688 int AreaId = Pageview.AreaID; 689 690 // HttpContext.Current.Session["PageIdForStyles"] = Pageview.Page.ID; 691 // HttpContext.Current.Session["AreaIdForStyles"] = Pageview.AreaID; 692 693 DataTable AdvancedGridStylesDataTable = null; 694 695 AdvancedGridStylesDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 696 697 SELECT 698 InlineStyles AS Styles 699 700 FROM 701 [dbo].[ItemType_AdvancedGridConfiguration] AS AGC 702 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[GridRow] AS GR ON GR.GridRowItemId = AGC.Id 703 704 WHERE 705 GR.GridRowPageId = @PageId; 706 707 ", new SqlParameter("PageId", PageViewId)); 708 709 DataTable BackgroundConfigDataTable = null; 710 711 BackgroundConfigDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 712 713 SELECT 714 distinct(BG.Stylesheet) AS Styles 715 716 FROM [dbo].GridRow AS GR 717 INNER JOIN dbo.Paragraph AS PG ON PG.ParagraphGridRowId = GR.GridRowId 718 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_CTAParagraph AS CTA ON CTA.Id = PG.ParagraphItemId 719 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_MultiColumnParagraph AS MCP ON MCP.Id = PG.ParagraphItemId 720 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_Carousel AS CS ON CS.Id = PG.ParagraphItemId 721 LEFT JOIN dbo.ItemType_BackgroundConfiguration AS BG ON CTA.BackgroundConfigurationID = BG.Id 722 OR MCP.BackgroundConfigurationID = BG.Id 723 OR CS.BackgroundConfigurationID = BG.Id 724 725 WHERE GR.GridRowPageID=@PageId 726 AND bg.Stylesheet Is NOT NULL", new SqlParameter("PageId", PageViewId)); 727 728 DataTable ButtonConfigDataTable = null; 729 730 ButtonConfigDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 731 732 SELECT 733 distinct(BCONF.Stylesheet) AS Styles 734 735 FROM [dbo].GridRow AS GR 736 LEFT JOIN [dbo].Paragraph AS P ON P.ParagraphGridRowId = GR.GridRowId 737 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_CTAParagraph AS CTAP ON CTAP.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 738 739 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_MultiColumnParagraph AS MCP ON MCP.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 740 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemList] AS ColumnIL ON ColumnIL.ItemListId = MCP.ParagraphListID 741 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemListRelation] AS ColumnILR ON ColumnIL.ItemListId = ColumnILR.ItemListRelationItemListId 742 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_ParagraphColumn] AS PC ON PC.Id = ColumnILR.ItemListRelationItemId 743 744 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_Carousel AS CS ON CS.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 745 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemList] AS CIIL ON CIIL.ItemListId = CS.CarouselListID 746 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemListRelation] AS CIILR ON CIIL.ItemListId = CIILR.ItemListRelationItemListId 747 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_CarouselItem AS CI ON CI.Id = CIILR.ItemListRelationItemId 748 749 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_JumbotronContainer] AS JC ON JC.Id = P.ParagraphItemId 750 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemList] AS JCIL ON JCIL.ItemListId = JC.JumbotronListID 751 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemListRelation] AS JCILR ON JCIL.ItemListId = JCILR.ItemListRelationItemListId 752 LEFT JOIN [dbo].ItemType_JumbotronListItem AS JCLI ON JCLI.Id = JCILR.ItemListRelationItemId 753 754 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_CTAButton] AS CTAB ON 755 CTAP.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 756 OR CTAP.ExtraButtonID = CTAB.Id 757 OR MCP.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 758 OR PC.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 759 OR PC.ExtraButtonID = CTAB.Id 760 OR CS.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 761 OR CI.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 762 OR CI.ExtraButtonID = CTAB.Id 763 OR JCLI.ButtonID = CTAB.Id 764 LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_ButtonConfiguration] AS BCONF ON CTAB.ButtonConfigurationID = BCONF.Id 765 766 WHERE 767 GR.GridRowPageID = @PageId 768 AND GR.GridRowActive = 1 769 AND CTAB.ButtonConfigurationID Is NOT NULL", new SqlParameter("PageId", PageViewId)); 770 771 DataTable MasterConfigDataTable = null; 772 773 MasterConfigDataTable = DynamicwebData.Query($@" 774 775 SELECT 776 MC.CustomCSS 777 778 FROM 779 [dbo].[Page] AS P 780 INNER JOIN [dbo].[ItemType_MasterConfig] AS MC ON P.PageItemId = MC.Id 781 782 WHERE 783 p.PageItemType = 'MasterConfig' 784 AND PageAreaId = @AreaId;", new SqlParameter("AreaId", AreaId)); 785 786 if (AdvancedGridStylesDataTable != null && AdvancedGridStylesDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) 787 { 788 for (int i = 0; i < AdvancedGridStylesDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) 789 { 790 @AdvancedGridStylesDataTable.Rows[i]["Styles"].ToString(); 791 } 792 } 793 794 if (BackgroundConfigDataTable != null && BackgroundConfigDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) 795 { 796 for (int i = 0; i < BackgroundConfigDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) 797 { 798 @BackgroundConfigDataTable.Rows[i]["Styles"].ToString().Replace("--Color: ;", ""); 799 } 800 } 801 802 if (ButtonConfigDataTable != null && ButtonConfigDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) 803 { 804 for (int i = 0; i < ButtonConfigDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) 805 { 806 @ButtonConfigDataTable.Rows[i]["Styles"].ToString(); 807 } 808 } 809 810 @MasterConfigDataTable.Rows[0]["CustomCSS"].ToString(); 811 } 812 813 </style> 814 815 </head> 816 <body class="ProductDetailPage Page--@Pageview.Page.ID @MasterConfigCssClass" id="@Pageview.Page.ID"> 817 818 @BaseSettings.System.BodyScript 819 @{ 820 if (_cookieOptinLevel.ToString() == "All" || _enabledCookieCategories.Contains("Marketing_Cookies")) 821 { 822 @BaseSettings.System.BodyScriptAfterConsent; 823 } 824 } 825 826 @BaseSettings.System.TailScript 827 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 828 @using System.Linq; 829 @using System.Data; 830 @using Dynamicweb; 831 @using Dynamicweb.Content; 832 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 833 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 834 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Configuration; 835 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution; 836 837 @{ 838 var corporate_settings = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageByNavigationTag(Pageview.AreaID, "CorporateSettingsPage"); 839 CorporateSettingsPage cs = corporate_settings.Item.ToCodeFirstItem<CorporateSettingsPage>(); 840 var bannerActive = cs.BannerActive; 841 var bannerText = cs.BannerText; 842 var bannerTextColor = cs.BannerTextColor; 843 var bannerBackgroundColor = cs.BannerBackgroundColor; 844 var bannerLink = cs.BannerLink; 845 846 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bannerBackgroundColor)) 847 { 848 bannerBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; 849 } 850 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bannerTextColor)) 851 { 852 bannerTextColor = "#000000"; 853 } 854 } 855 856 @if (bannerActive) 857 { 858 <div class="campaign-banner" style="--campaign-bg-color: @bannerBackgroundColor; --campaign-text-color: @bannerTextColor;"> 859 <div class="campaign-banner__container"> 860 @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bannerLink)) 861 { 862 <a href="@bannerLink" class="campaign-banner__link"> 863 <span class="campaign-banner__text">@bannerText</span> 864 </a> 865 } 866 else 867 { 868 <span class="campaign-banner__text">@bannerText</span> 869 } 870 <button class="campaign-banner__close"> 871 <i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 872 </button> 873 </div> 874 </div> 875 } 876 877 878 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 879 880 @using System.Linq; 881 @using System.Data; 882 883 @using Dynamicweb; 884 @using Dynamicweb.Content; 885 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 886 887 @{ 888 889 DataTable DataTableObj = AdvancedGridServices.GetHeaderGridDataTable(Pageview.AreaID, Pageview.Page.ID); 890 891 WrapperObj Header = AdvancedGridServices.RenderWrapper(DataTableObj, "header", "header", Pageview.AreaID, Pageview.Page.ID); 892 WrapperObj Footer = AdvancedGridServices.RenderWrapper(DataTableObj, "footer", "footer", Pageview.AreaID, Pageview.Page.ID); 893 894 // var homepage = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetRootPagesForArea(Pageview.AreaID).FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemType == "HomePage" && p.Active) ?? Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetFirstPageForArea(Pageview.AreaID); 895 896 MasterLayoutPageObj MasterLayoutPageObj = MasterLayoutControllers.RenderMasterLayoutPageObj(Pageview); 897 898 bool userLoggedIn = false; 899 if (enableLogin) { userLoggedIn = Pageview.User == null ? false : true; } 900 901 string HeaderContainerSize = mc.HeaderConfiguration.ContainerSize != 0 ? mc.HeaderConfiguration.ContainerSize + "px" : "auto"; 902 903 } 904 905 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 906 @using Dynamicweb; 907 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 908 909 <script> 910 911 function setImagesSizes(Classname) { 912 var Images = document.querySelectorAll(Classname); 913 for (var index = 0; index < Images.length; index++) { 914 if (!Images[index].hasAttribute("height")) { 915 Images[index].setAttribute("height", Images[index].offsetHeight); 916 } 917 if (!Images[index].hasAttribute("width")) { 918 Images[index].setAttribute("width", Images[index].offsetWidth); 919 } 920 } 921 } 922 923 window.addEventListener('load', function () { 924 setImagesSizes("img"); 925 setImagesSizes(".mc-header__logo-image"); 926 }); 927 928 </script> 929 930 931 @if (!hideHeader) 932 { 933 <header>@MasterLayoutPageObj.Header</header> 934 935 <!-- DO NOT REMOVE --> 936 <div id="quick-order"></div> 937 <div id="backdrop-megamenu"></div> 938 <mega-menu id="mega-menu"></mega-menu> 939 <!-- DO NOT REMOVE --> 940 } 941 942 @if (isVisualEditor && IsNotContentManager) 943 { 944 @AdvancedGridServices.RenderVisualEditorNavigation(DataTableObj, "header") 945 } 946 947 <style>@MasterLayoutPageObj.CSS</style> 948 949 <style> 950 951 952 .visual-editor__navigation { 953 position: absolute; 954 top: 10px; 955 left: 10px; 956 display: flex; 957 flex-direction: row; 958 z-index: 100000000; 959 } 960 961 .visual-editor__button { 962 height: 50px; 963 min-width: 150px; 964 right: auto; 965 left: auto; 966 background-color: white; 967 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(28 28 84 / 25%); 968 display: flex; 969 justify-content: center; 970 align-items: center; 971 padding: 25px; 972 margin-right: 25px; 973 } 974 975 .visual-editor__button-icon { 976 margin-right: 25px; 977 } 978 979 .header { 980 --HeaderContainerDisplay: none; 981 } 982 983 .header__container { 984 padding: 0; 985 } 986 987 .header__container, .header__stickyheader-container { 988 max-width: none; 989 } 990 991 .header .AdvancedGrid__container { 992 max-width: @HeaderContainerSize; 993 margin: 0 auto; 994 } 995 996 .header .AdvancedGrid__column { 997 background-color: var(--BackgroundColor); 998 flex-grow: var(--FlexGrow); 999 } 1000 1001 .AdvancedGrid__row { 1002 align-items: center; 1003 } 1004 </style> 1005 1006 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 1007 @using Dynamicweb; 1008 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 1009 1010 @{ 1011 var pid = ModuleOnlyParagraph.GetParagraphIDByTag<ModuleOnlyParagraph>("SideBarForm", Pageview.AreaID); 1012 1013 if (pid > 0) 1014 { 1015 <section id="vue-side-bar-form" data-paragraphid="@pid" data-telephone="@phonenumber" data-formatphonenumber="@formattedPhonenumber" data-isoffline="@isOffline"></section> 1016 } 1017 } 1018 1019 1020 @if (@enableProductCompare) 1021 { 1022 <div id="vue-compare-list"></div> 1023 } 1024 1025 @Model.Grid("grid", "Before breadcrumb", "", "AdvancedGrid") 1026 1027 @if (showBreadcrumbs && !isOverviewPage) 1028 { 1029 var navigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1030 navigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.PathOnly; 1031 navigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1032 navigationSettings.StopLevel = 99; 1033 navigationSettings.Parameters.Add("PageTitle", Model.Title); 1034 navigationSettings.IncludeFoldersAndHidden = true; 1035 1036 @Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/Breadcrumbs.cshtml", navigationSettings) 1037 1038 } 1039 1040 @Model.Grid("grid2", "After breadcrumb", "", "AdvancedGrid") 1041 1042 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1043 @using Dynamicweb; 1044 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 1045 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Extensions; 1046 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.BaseSolution.Frontend; 1047 1048 @{ 1049 1050 string footerLogo = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Logos.FooterLogo; 1051 string footerDescription = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.FooterDescription; 1052 1053 var fb = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Facebook; 1054 var twitter = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Twitter; 1055 var linkedin = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.LinkedIn; 1056 var instagram = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Instagram; 1057 var youtube = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Youtube; 1058 var pinterest = BaseSettings.SocialMedia.Pinterest ?? ""; 1059 1060 var companyName = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.CompanyName; 1061 var Emailadress = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Emailadress; 1062 var Phonenumber = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Phonenumber; 1063 var Address = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Address; 1064 var Zipcode = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Zipcode; 1065 var City = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.City; 1066 var Country = BaseSettings.CorporateSettings.Country; 1067 1068 var selectedPaymentLogos = BaseSettings.BrandConfiguration.Logos.FooterPaymentLogos; 1069 1070 bool footer__newsletter_signup_display = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.NewsLetterSignUpDisplay.ToString()) && mc.FooterConfiguration.NewsLetterSignUpDisplay.ToString() == "True" ? true : false; 1071 bool footer__USP_display = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.UspDisplay.ToString()) && mc.FooterConfiguration.UspDisplay.ToString() == "True" ? true : false; 1072 1073 string footer__background_color = mc.FooterConfiguration.BackgroundColor?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? "#000000"; 1074 string footer__color = mc.FooterConfiguration.Color?.GetColorCode(Pageview.AreaID) ?? "#FFFFFF"; 1075 1076 string footer__top_image = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.TopImage.ToString()) ? mc.FooterConfiguration.TopImage.ToString() : ""; 1077 1078 1079 1080 } 1081 1082 <div id="scroll-to-top" class="scroll-to-top" aria-label="@Translate("Naar boven", "To Top")"> 1083 <span class="scroll-to-top__text"> 1084 @Translate("Naar boven", "To Top") 1085 </span> 1086 <i class="fal fa-arrow-to-top scroll-to-top__icon"></i> 1087 </div> 1088 1089 @if (Pageview.Page.ParentPageId > 0) 1090 { 1091 var siblings = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPagesByParentID(Pageview.Page.ParentPageId).Where(p => p.Active).ToList(); 1092 var parentpageItemType = Pageview.Page.Parent.ItemType; 1093 bool isParentPageOverviewpage = parentpageItemType == "OverviewPage"; 1094 1095 if (siblings.Count() > 1 && isParentPageOverviewpage) 1096 { 1097 var prevPage = siblings.OrderByDescending(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort < Pageview.Page.Sort); 1098 var nextPage = siblings.OrderBy(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort > Pageview.Page.Sort); 1099 var overview = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + Pageview.Page.ParentPageId; 1100 1101 <section class="page-navigation"> 1102 @if (prevPage != null) 1103 { 1104 var back = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + prevPage.ID; 1105 <a href="@back" class="page-navigation__item"> 1106 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-left page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1107 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.previous", "Previous")</label> 1108 </a> 1109 } 1110 1111 <a href="@overview" class="page-navigation__item"> 1112 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.Overview", "To overview")</label> 1113 <i class="fas fa-th page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1114 </a> 1115 1116 @if (nextPage != null) 1117 { 1118 var forward = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + nextPage.ID; 1119 <a href="@forward" class="page-navigation__item"> 1120 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("", "Next")</label> 1121 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-right page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1122 </a> 1123 } 1124 </section> 1125 } 1126 } 1127 1128 @* 1129 1130 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1131 @using Dynamicweb; 1132 @using Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.ExtensionMethods; 1133 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 1134 1135 @{ 1136 1137 if (Pageview.Page.ParentPageId > 0) 1138 { 1139 1140 // Paging 1141 1142 var siblings = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPagesByParentID(Pageview.Page.ParentPageId).Where(p => p.Active).ToList(); 1143 var currentID = Pageview.Page.ID; 1144 var parentpageItemType = Pageview.Page.Parent.ItemType; 1145 bool isParentPageOverviewpage = parentpageItemType == "OverviewPage"; 1146 1147 1148 var siblingsCount = siblings.Count; 1149 1150 int previousIdx = 0; 1151 int nextIdx = siblingsCount - 1; 1152 int idx = 0; 1153 1154 for (int i = 0; i < siblingsCount; i++) 1155 { 1156 if (siblings[i].ID == currentID && siblings[i].PropertyItem != null) 1157 { 1158 idx = i; 1159 } 1160 } 1161 1162 previousIdx = idx == previousIdx ? previousIdx : idx - 1; 1163 nextIdx = idx == nextIdx ? nextIdx : idx + 1; 1164 1165 var previousID = siblings[previousIdx].ID; 1166 var nextID = siblings[nextIdx].ID; 1167 var overview = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + Pageview.Page.ParentPageId; 1168 1169 if (siblingsCount > 1) 1170 { 1171 1172 <section class="page-navigation"> 1173 1174 @if (!(previousID == currentID || previousID == 0)) 1175 { 1176 var back = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + previousID; 1177 <a href="@back" class="page-navigation__item"> 1178 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-left page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1179 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.previous", "Previous")</label> 1180 </a> 1181 } 1182 1183 <a href="@overview" class="page-navigation__item"> 1184 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.Overview", "To overview")</label> 1185 <i class="fas fa-th page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1186 </a> 1187 1188 @if (!(nextID == currentID || nextID == 0)) 1189 { 1190 var forward = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + nextID; 1191 <a href="@forward" class="page-navigation__item"> 1192 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("", "Next")</label> 1193 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-right page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1194 </a> 1195 } 1196 1197 </section> 1198 1199 } 1200 1201 } 1202 else 1203 { 1204 // No action 1205 } 1206 1207 } 1208 1209 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 1210 @using Dynamicweb; 1211 1212 @if (Pageview.Page.ParentPageId > 0) 1213 { 1214 var siblings = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPagesByParentID(Pageview.Page.ParentPageId).Where(p => p.Active).ToList(); 1215 var parentpageItemType = Pageview.Page.Parent.ItemType; 1216 bool isParentPageOverviewpage = parentpageItemType == "OverviewPage"; 1217 1218 if (siblings.Count() > 1 && isParentPageOverviewpage) 1219 { 1220 var prevPage = siblings.OrderByDescending(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort < Pageview.Page.Sort); 1221 var nextPage = siblings.OrderBy(p => p.Sort).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Sort > Pageview.Page.Sort); 1222 var overview = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + Pageview.Page.ParentPageId; 1223 1224 <section class="page-navigation"> 1225 @if (prevPage != null) 1226 { 1227 var back = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + prevPage.ID; 1228 <a href="@back" class="page-navigation__item"> 1229 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-left page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1230 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.previous", "Previous")</label> 1231 </a> 1232 } 1233 1234 <a href="@overview" class="page-navigation__item"> 1235 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("pagenavigation.Overview", "To overview")</label> 1236 <i class="fas fa-th page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1237 </a> 1238 1239 @if (nextPage != null) 1240 { 1241 var forward = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + nextPage.ID; 1242 <a href="@forward" class="page-navigation__item"> 1243 <label class="page-navigation__item-label">@Translate("", "Next")</label> 1244 <i class="fal fa-arrow-alt-to-right page-navigation__item--icon"></i> 1245 </a> 1246 } 1247 </section> 1248 } 1249 } 1250 1251 *@ 1252 1253 1254 1255 @if (!hideFooter) 1256 { 1257 <footer>@MasterLayoutPageObj.Footer</footer> 1258 } 1259 1260 @if (isVisualEditor && IsNotContentManager) 1261 { 1262 <nav class="footer-layout"> 1263 @AdvancedGridServices.RenderVisualEditorNavigation(DataTableObj, "footer") 1264 </nav> 1265 1266 <style> 1267 .footer-layout { 1268 position: absolute; 1269 bottom: 25px; 1270 } 1271 </style> 1272 } 1273 1274 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footer__top_image) && HideStandardFooter == false) 1275 { 1276 <figure class="footer__top-image"> 1277 <img src="@footer__top_image" alt="" /> 1278 </figure> 1279 } 1280 1281 @if (HideStandardFooter == false || !hideFooter) 1282 { 1283 1284 <footer class="footer" style="--footer-bg-color: @footer__background_color; --footer-color: @footer__color;"> 1285 1286 @if (footer__USP_display) 1287 { 1288 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_1) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_2) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_3) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_4) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaseSettings.USP.USP_5)) 1289 { 1290 <div class="footer-usp__wrapper"> 1291 <div class="container"> 1292 <ul class="footer-usp__list flex-wrap"> 1293 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_1, BaseSettings.USP.USP_1_icon) 1294 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_2, BaseSettings.USP.USP_2_icon) 1295 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_3, BaseSettings.USP.USP_3_icon) 1296 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_4, BaseSettings.USP.USP_4_icon) 1297 @RenderFooterUSP(BaseSettings.USP.USP_5, BaseSettings.USP.USP_5_icon) 1298 1299 </ul> 1300 </div> 1301 </div> 1302 } 1303 } 1304 1305 @if (footer__newsletter_signup_display) 1306 { 1307 <div> 1308 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1309 @using Dynamicweb; 1310 1311 @{ 1312 var newsletterFormID = ModuleOnlyParagraph.GetParagraphIDByTag<ModuleOnlyParagraph>("Footer.Newsletter", Pageview.AreaID); 1313 1314 if (newsletterFormID > 0) 1315 { 1316 <section class="footer__newsletter-container"> 1317 <div class="container footer__newsletter"> 1318 <label class="footer__newsletter-label"> 1319 @Translate("Footer.SignUpNewsletter", "Sign up for the digital newsletter") 1320 </label> 1321 @RenderParagraphContent(newsletterFormID) 1322 </div> 1323 </section> 1324 } 1325 } 1326 1327 </div> 1328 } 1329 1330 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mc.FooterConfiguration.BackgroundGradient)) 1331 { 1332 <style> 1333 .footer { 1334 @mc.FooterConfiguration.BackgroundGradient; 1335 } 1336 </style> 1337 } 1338 1339 <section class="container footer__content"> 1340 1341 <div class="footer__link"> 1342 @{ 1343 var footerColumnOneNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1344 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1345 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1346 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1347 footerColumnOneNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "footer-column-1"; 1348 var footerColumnOneNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/BottomNavigation.cshtml", footerColumnOneNavigationSettings); 1349 1350 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnOneNavigation)) 1351 { 1352 <p class="footer__link-header">@Translate("Footer.Column1.Header", "What you need to know")</p> 1353 @footerColumnOneNavigation 1354 } 1355 } 1356 </div> 1357 <div class="footer__link"> 1358 @{ 1359 var footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1360 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1361 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1362 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1363 footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "footer-column-2"; 1364 var footerColumnTwoNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/BottomNavigation.cshtml", footerColumnTwoNavigationSettings); 1365 1366 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnTwoNavigation)) 1367 { 1368 <p class="footer__link-header">@Translate("Footer.Column2.Header", "Category two")</p> 1369 @footerColumnTwoNavigation 1370 } 1371 } 1372 </div> 1373 <div class="footer__link"> 1374 @{ 1375 var footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1376 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1377 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1378 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1379 footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "footer-column-3"; 1380 var footerColumnThreeNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/BottomNavigation.cshtml", footerColumnThreeNavigationSettings); 1381 1382 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnThreeNavigation)) 1383 { 1384 <p class="footer__link-header">@Translate("Footer.Column3.Header", "Category three")</p> 1385 @footerColumnThreeNavigation 1386 } 1387 } 1388 </div> 1389 1390 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerLogo) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerDescription)) 1391 { 1392 <div class="footer__description-container"> 1393 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerLogo)) 1394 { 1395 <img class="footer__logo" loading="lazy" src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?Image=@footerLogo&Crop=5&Format=webp&Quality=99&Compression=80&Width=400" alt="Footer logo" width="400" height="200" /> 1396 } 1397 1398 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footerDescription)) 1399 { 1400 <div class="footer__description"> 1401 @footerDescription 1402 </div> 1403 } 1404 </div> 1405 } 1406 1407 </section> 1408 1409 <section class="footer__copyright"> 1410 1411 <div class="container bottombar__container"> 1412 @{ 1413 var copyRightMenuNavigationSettings = new NavigationSettings(); 1414 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.ExpandMode = ExpandMode.All; 1415 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.StartLevel = 1; 1416 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.StopLevel = 4; 1417 copyRightMenuNavigationSettings.RootNavigationTag = "bottombar"; 1418 var copyRightMenuNavigation = Navigation.RenderNavigation("Navigation/CleanNavigation.cshtml", copyRightMenuNavigationSettings); 1419 1420 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyRightMenuNavigation)) 1421 { 1422 @copyRightMenuNavigation; 1423 } 1424 } 1425 1426 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(twitter) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fb) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkedin) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(youtube) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instagram) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pinterest)) 1427 { 1428 <section class="footer__social-container"> 1429 1430 <span class="footer__icon-labels">@Translate("Footer.FollowUs", "Volg ons op:")</span> 1431 1432 <div class="footer__social-icon-container"> 1433 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(twitter)) 1434 { 1435 <a href="@twitter" target="_blank" title="twitter" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> 1436 } 1437 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fb)) 1438 { 1439 <a href="@fb" target="_blank" title="facebook" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-facebook-square"></i></a> 1440 } 1441 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkedin)) 1442 { 1443 <a href="@linkedin" target="_blank" title="LinkedIn" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a> 1444 } 1445 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(youtube)) 1446 { 1447 <a href="@youtube" target="_blank" title="YouTube" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-youtube"></i></a> 1448 } 1449 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instagram)) 1450 { 1451 <a href="@instagram" target="_blank" title="Instagram" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a> 1452 } 1453 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pinterest)) 1454 { 1455 <a href="@pinterest" target="_blank" title="Pinterest" class="footer__social" rel="noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-pinterest"></i></a> 1456 } 1457 </div> 1458 1459 </section> 1460 } 1461 </div> 1462 1463 </section> 1464 1465 <section class="footer-paymentoptions" data-paymentmethods="@selectedPaymentLogos"></section> 1466 </footer> 1467 1468 } 1469 1470 @helper RenderFooterUSP(string USP_content, string USP_icon) 1471 { 1472 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(USP_content)) 1473 { 1474 var usp_icon_class = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(USP_icon)) ? USP_icon : "fal fa-check"; 1475 1476 <li class="footer-usp__item"> 1477 <i class="@usp_icon_class footer-usp__icon"></i> 1478 <span>@USP_content</span> 1479 </li> 1480 } 1481 } 1482 1483 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1484 @using Dynamicweb; 1485 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items; 1486 @using Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes; 1487 1488 @{ 1489 var colorService = new ColorSwatchService(); 1490 bool displayPrices = mc.EcomConfiguration.HidePricesForGuests ? Pageview.User != null : true; 1491 string ShowZeroPrices = (!mc.EcomConfiguration.HideZeroPrices).ToString().ToLower(); 1492 1493 var homepage = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetRootPagesForArea(Pageview.AreaID).FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemType == "HomePage" && p.Active) ?? Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetFirstPageForArea(Pageview.AreaID); 1494 1495 var bottomBarItemsList = new List<object>(); 1496 foreach (var _item in mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarItemList) 1497 { 1498 string title = _item.Title; 1499 string link = _item.TargetLink; 1500 1501 if (_item.Type == "login" && Pageview.User != null) 1502 { 1503 title = @Translate("Bottombar.Logout", "Logout"); 1504 link = $"/Admin/Public/ExtranetLogoff.aspx?ID={homepage.ID}"; 1505 } 1506 1507 var newItem = new 1508 { 1509 title = title, 1510 icon = _item.Icon, 1511 link = link, 1512 subtitle = _item.Title, 1513 type = _item.Type, 1514 visible = true 1515 }; 1516 bottomBarItemsList.Add(newItem); 1517 } 1518 var allBottomBarItems = bottomBarItemsList.ToArray(); 1519 string bottomBarItemsJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allBottomBarItems).Replace("\"", "\'"); 1520 1521 string BottombarBackgroundColor = mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarBackgroundColor; 1522 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BottombarBackgroundColor)) 1523 { 1524 BottombarBackgroundColor = !BottombarBackgroundColor.Contains("#") ? colorService.GetHexColor(Pageview.AreaID, BottombarBackgroundColor) : BottombarBackgroundColor; 1525 } 1526 1527 string BottombarTextColor = mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarTextColor; 1528 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BottombarTextColor)) 1529 { 1530 BottombarTextColor = !BottombarTextColor.Contains("#") ? colorService.GetHexColor(Pageview.AreaID, BottombarTextColor) : BottombarTextColor; 1531 } 1532 1533 string BottombarIconColor = mc.FooterConfiguration.BottombarIconColor; 1534 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BottombarIconColor)) 1535 { 1536 BottombarIconColor = !BottombarIconColor.Contains("#") ? colorService.GetHexColor(Pageview.AreaID, BottombarIconColor) : BottombarIconColor; 1537 } 1538 } 1539 1540 <style> 1541 .bottombar { 1542 background-color: @BottombarBackgroundColor; 1543 } 1544 .bottombar__button span { 1545 color: @BottombarTextColor; 1546 } 1547 .bottombar__button [class^=fa], 1548 .bottombar__button [class^=svg-] { 1549 color: @BottombarIconColor; 1550 } 1551 </style> 1552 1553 <section id="vue-modal" 1554 data-show-prices="@displayPrices.ToString().ToLower()" 1555 data-show-zero-prices="@ShowZeroPrices"> 1556 </section> 1557 1558 @if (!hideBottombar) 1559 { 1560 <section id="vue-bottom-bar" 1561 data-items="@bottomBarItemsJson" 1562 data-phonenumber="@formattedPhonenumber" 1563 data-isoffline="@isOffline" 1564 data-emailadress="@emailadress" 1565 data-currentpageid="@homepage.ID" 1566 data-enable-login="@enableLogin" 1567 data-enable-shoppingcart="@enableShoppingCart" 1568 data-enable-advancedsearch="@enableAdvancedSearch"> 1569 </section> 1570 } 1571 1572 @{ 1573 int SearchPageID = Bluedesk.Tools.DynamicWeb.Generic.PageHelper.GetPageIDByNavigationTag("searchresults", Pageview.AreaID); 1574 var SearchPlaceholder = Translate("Searchbox.PlaceholderValue", "Search..."); 1575 var SearchPlaceholderHover = Translate("Search.PlaceholderValue2", "Zoekt u misschien een ...?"); 1576 var SearchPrefill = Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Request["q"]; 1577 var SearchboxClass = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchPrefill) ? "open" : ""; 1578 var SearchtoggleClass = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchPrefill) ? "close" : ""; 1579 } 1580 1581 <section class="bottombar__searchbox__wrapper"> 1582 <form class="searchbox__form" method="get" action="/Default.aspx" style="display: flex; flex-grow: 1;"> 1583 <input type="text" name="q" value="@SearchPrefill" class="searchbox__input" placeholder="@SearchPlaceholder" aria-label="Search through site content" data-placeholder="@SearchPlaceholder" data-hoverplaceholder="@SearchPlaceholderHover" style="display: flex; flex-grow: 1;" /> 1584 <div class="searchbox__button"> 1585 <button type="submit" class="searchbox__form__submit icon icon--medium icon__search input__icon" aria-label="Search"> 1586 <i class="fal fa-search"></i> 1587 </button> 1588 </div> 1589 <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="@SearchPageID" /> 1590 </form> 1591 1592 </section> 1593 1594 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering 1595 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 1596 1597 @{ 1598 UserImpersonation impersonationMode = User.ImpersonationMode; 1599 User currentUser = Pageview.User; 1600 User secondaryUser = Pageview.User?.CurrentSecondaryUser ?? null; 1601 bool isImpersonating = Pageview.User?.CurrentSecondaryUser != null; 1602 int impersonationPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerImpersonation"); 1603 1604 if(isImpersonating && impersonationMode == UserImpersonation.Full) { 1605 currentUser = Pageview.User.CurrentSecondaryUser; 1606 secondaryUser = Pageview.User; 1607 } 1608 } 1609 1610 @if(currentUser != null && currentUser.GetUsersICanSetAsSecondary().Count > 0) 1611 { 1612 <div class="impersonation"> 1613 <div class="impersonation__header"> 1614 <p class="impersonation__title"> 1615 @Translate("Impersonate.Modal.Title", "Impersonation") 1616 @if (isImpersonating) 1617 { 1618 <span title="On" class="impersonation__indicator"></span> 1619 } 1620 </p> 1621 <i class="fal fa-chevron-up impersonation__header-icon"></i> 1622 </div> 1623 <div class="impersonation__body"> 1624 @if (isImpersonating) 1625 { 1626 <p>@string.Format(Translate("Impersonate.CurrentImpersonation", "You ({0}) are currently impersonating {1}"), string.Format("<strong>{0}</strong>", currentUser.UserName), string.Format("<strong>{0}</strong>", secondaryUser.UserName))</p> 1627 1628 <form method="post" name="stopImpersonation"> 1629 <input name="DwExtranetRemoveSecondaryUser" id="DwExtranetRemoveSecondaryUser" type="hidden"> 1630 <div class="mt-4"> 1631 <button class="btn btn__primary" type="submit"> 1632 <span class="btn__text">@Translate("Impersonate.StopBtn", "Stop impersonation")</span> 1633 <i class="fas fa-ban btn__icon"></i> 1634 </button> 1635 </div> 1636 </form> 1637 } else { 1638 <p>@Translate("Impersonate.Modal.Content", "Take a look at the list of customers you can impersonate.")</p> 1639 <div class="w-full flex mt-2"> 1640 <a href="Default.aspx?ID=@impersonationPageId" class="btn btn__primary"> 1641 <span class="btn__text">@Translate("Impersonate.Modal.ViewList", "View List")</span> 1642 <i class="fal fa-chevron-right btn__icon"></i> 1643 </a> 1644 </div> 1645 } 1646 </div> 1647 </div> 1648 } 1649 1650 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1651 @using System; 1652 @using Dynamicweb; 1653 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.CustomerExperienceCenter.Favorites; 1654 1655 @{ 1656 var favListService = new FavoriteListService(); 1657 IEnumerable<FavoriteList> favoriteLists = Pageview.User != null ? favListService.GetLists(Pageview.User.ID) : null; 1658 int favoritelistsPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerFavorites"); 1659 } 1660 1661 @if(favoriteLists != null && Pageview.User != null) 1662 { 1663 <div class="offcanvas__backdrop" name="favoritelist"></div> 1664 <aside class="offcanvas" data-listcount="@favoriteLists.Count()" name="favoritelist"> 1665 <header class="offcanvas__header"> 1666 <span class="offcanvas__title">@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.FavoritesTitle", "Add to favorite list")</span> 1667 <button class="offcanvas__close" aria-label="@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.Close", "Close menu")"> 1668 <i class="fal fa-times"></i> 1669 </button> 1670 </header> 1671 <div class="offcanvas__body"> 1672 <p>@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.FavoritesContent", "Select the list you want to add the product to")</p> 1673 <ul class="favorites__list"> 1674 @foreach(FavoriteList list in favoriteLists) { 1675 <li class="favorites__list-item" data-listid="@list.ListId"> 1676 <span class="favorites__list-itemname">@list.Name</span> 1677 <i class="fas fa-plus"></i> 1678 </li> 1679 } 1680 </ul> 1681 </div> 1682 <footer class="offcanvas__footer"> 1683 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@favoritelistsPageId" class="btn btn__primary"> 1684 <span class="btn__text">@Translate("OffCanvasMenu.FavoritesManageLists", "Manage lists")</span> 1685 <i class="far fa-chevron-right btn__icon"></i> 1686 </a> 1687 </footer> 1688 </aside> 1689 } 1690 1691 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 1692 @using System; 1693 @using Dynamicweb; 1694 1695 @{ 1696 string currentWebsiteUrl = Dynamicweb.Environment.Helpers.LinkHelper.GetHttpDomain().Replace("https://", "").Replace("http://", ""); 1697 string redirectUrl = ""; 1698 } 1699 1700 <div class="popup__backdrop" name="language-popup"></div> 1701 1702 <div class="popup popup--content-centered" name="language-popup"> 1703 <div class="popup__innerwrapper"> 1704 <button class="popup__close languagemodal__close"> 1705 <i class="fal fa-times cross"></i> 1706 </button> 1707 <header class="popup__header"> 1708 <h2 class="popup__title">@Translate("LanguageSwitchModal.Title", "Hi Beautify Professional")</h2> 1709 </header> 1710 <div class="popup__body"> 1711 <p>@string.Format(Translate("LanguageSwitchModal.Current", "Now you've reached the website {0}."), currentWebsiteUrl)</p> 1712 <p>@string.Format(Translate("LanguageSwitchModal.Redirect", "Do you want to switch to the website {0} that is more relevant to your country?"), $"<span class='languagemodal__redirecturl'>{redirectUrl}</span>")</p> 1713 </div> 1714 <div class="popup__footer"> 1715 <a href="@redirectUrl" class="btn btn__contrast popup__btn languagemodal__btn"> 1716 <span class="btn__text">@Translate("LanguageSwitchModal.Button", "Yes, I want to switch")</span> 1717 <i class="btn__icon fal fa-chevron-right"></i> 1718 </a> 1719 </div> 1720 </div> 1721 </div> 1722 1723 1724 <div id="backdrop"></div> 1725 1726 <script src="@appbundlejs"></script> 1727 <script defer src="@vuebundlejs"></script> 1728 <script defer src="@appAsyncbundlejs"></script> 1729 1730 @if (font_configuration != null) 1731 { 1732 foreach (var item in font_configuration.Item.ToCodeFirstItem<Bluedesk.DynamicWeb.ItemTypes.Pages.ConfigurationPagesParent>().GetChildConfigs<FontConfiguration>()) 1733 { 1734 if (item["FontLink"] != null) 1735 { 1736 string FontName = item["FontName"].ToString().Replace(" ", ""); 1737 string cssFile = $"files/Templates/Designs/Backyard/GoogleFont/{FontName}/{FontName}.css"; 1738 <link href="@cssFile" rel="stylesheet"> 1739 } 1740 } 1741 } 1742 1743 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rqn26AG5Pj86AF4SO72RK5fyefcQ/x32DNQfChxWvbXIyXFePlEktwD18fEz+kQU" crossorigin="anonymous"> 1744 1745 @if (isVisualEditor && IsNotContentManager) 1746 { 1747 1748 <style> 1749 body { 1750 background-color: #f1f1f1; 1751 font-family: 'Barlow', sans-serif; 1752 } 1753 1754 .slidePanel { 1755 position: fixed; 1756 top: 0; 1757 bottom: 0; 1758 min-width: 500px; 1759 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(153 153 255 / 10%); 1760 background-color: #FFFFFF; 1761 z-index: 1000; 1762 box-sizing: border-box; 1763 transition: all .5s ease-in; 1764 } 1765 1766 { 1767 right: 0; 1768 } 1769 1770 .slidePanel { 1771 right: -500px; 1772 transition: all 0.5s ease-in; 1773 } 1774 1775 .slidePanel__container { 1776 display: flex; 1777 position: relative; 1778 height: 100%; 1779 } 1780 1781 .togglePanelButton { 1782 position: fixed; 1783 top: 50px; 1784 left: 50px; 1785 display: flex; 1786 justify-content: center; 1787 align-items: center; 1788 color: white; 1789 background-color: black; 1790 padding: 0px 25px; 1791 height: 50px; 1792 cursor: pointer; 1793 z-index: 1000; 1794 } 1795 1796 .closeButton { 1797 position: absolute; 1798 display: flex; 1799 top: 25px; 1800 right: 25px; 1801 font-size: 2rem; 1802 text-decoration: none; 1803 color: black; 1804 } 1805 1806 .blur { 1807 filter: blur(4px); 1808 pointer-events: none; 1809 } 1810 1811 .sideMenu { 1812 display: flex; 1813 position: absolute; 1814 align-items: center; 1815 min-height: 100px; 1816 z-index: 1200; 1817 top: 0; 1818 bottom: 0; 1819 right: 100%; 1820 flex-direction: column; 1821 justify-content: center; 1822 } 1823 1824 .sideMenu__link:first-child { 1825 margin-top: 10px; 1826 } 1827 1828 .sideMenu__link { 1829 position: relative; 1830 flex-direction: column; 1831 display: flex; 1832 height: 50px; 1833 width: 50px; 1834 background-color: #f1f1f1; 1835 margin-bottom: 10px; 1836 margin-left: 10px; 1837 margin-right: 10px; 1838 justify-content: space-between; 1839 align-items: center; 1840 font-size: 10px; 1841 padding: 10px; 1842 box-sizing: border-box; 1843 text-decoration: none; 1844 color: rgb(22, 101, 123); 1845 font-size: 24px; 1846 } 1847 .sideMenu__link:hover { 1848 background-color: #c9c9c9; 1849 color: white; 1850 transition: all ease-in 0.5s; 1851 } 1852 .sideMenu__link label { 1853 font-size: 12px; 1854 } 1855 1856 .sideMenu__container { 1857 display: flex; 1858 position: relative; 1859 flex-direction: column; 1860 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(153 153 255 / 10%); 1861 background-color: white; 1862 } 1863 1864 .toolbar.close { 1865 display: none; 1866 } 1867 1868 #toolbarVE { 1869 position: fixed !important; 1870 z-index: 100; 1871 background-color: #CCC; 1872 border: 2px solid #F1F1F1; 1873 text-align: center; 1874 right: 0px; 1875 top: 300px; 1876 } 1877 1878 #toolbarVEHeader { 1879 padding: 10px; 1880 cursor: move; 1881 z-index: 10; 1882 background-color: #6e6e6e; 1883 color: #fff; 1884 } 1885 </style> 1886 1887 <div class="toolbarVE" id="toolbar" style="top: 150px; left: auto; width: 70px; position: fixed !important; right: 0px !important; "> 1888 <div id="toolbarVEHeader"> 1889 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="toggleClass('.toolbar', 'close');" style="color: #FFF;"><i class="icon fa-light fa-circle-xmark"></i></a> 1890 </div> 1891 <section class="sideMenu__container"> 1892 <a href="javascript:history.back();" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-reply"></i></a> 1893 <a href="/dashboard-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-grid-horizontal"></i></a> 1894 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-diagram-cells"></i></a> 1895 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-link"></i></a> 1896 <a href="/background-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-paintbrush"></i></a> 1897 <a href="/jumbotron-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-megaphone"></i></a> 1898 <a href="/theme-configuration-page/theme-01" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-brush"></i></a> 1899 <a href="/font-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-font"></i></a> 1900 <a href="/device-manager" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="icon fa-light fa-computer"></i></a> 1901 </section> 1902 </div> 1903 1904 <script> 1905 function toggleClass(ClassName, AddedClassName) { 1906 var element = document.querySelector(ClassName); 1907 if (element.classList.contains(AddedClassName)) { 1908 element.classList.remove(AddedClassName); 1909 } else { 1910 element.classList.add(AddedClassName); 1911 } 1912 } 1913 </script> 1914 1915 <script> 1916 //Make the DIV element draggagle: 1917 dragElement(document.getElementById("toolbar")); 1918 1919 function dragElement(elmnt) { 1920 var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0; 1921 if (document.getElementById( + "Header")) { 1922 /* if present, the header is where you move the DIV from:*/ 1923 document.getElementById( + "Header").onmousedown = dragMouseDown; 1924 } else { 1925 /* otherwise, move the DIV from anywhere inside the DIV:*/ 1926 elmnt.onmousedown = dragMouseDown; 1927 } 1928 1929 function dragMouseDown(e) { 1930 e = e || window.event; 1931 e.preventDefault(); 1932 // get the mouse cursor position at startup: 1933 pos3 = e.clientX; 1934 pos4 = e.clientY; 1935 document.onmouseup = closeDragElement; 1936 // call a function whenever the cursor moves: 1937 document.onmousemove = elementDrag; 1938 } 1939 1940 function elementDrag(e) { 1941 e = e || window.event; 1942 e.preventDefault(); 1943 // calculate the new cursor position: 1944 pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX; 1945 pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY; 1946 pos3 = e.clientX; 1947 pos4 = e.clientY; 1948 // set the element's new position: 1949 = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) + "px"; 1950 = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px"; 1951 } 1952 1953 function closeDragElement() { 1954 /* stop moving when mouse button is released:*/ 1955 document.onmouseup = null; 1956 document.onmousemove = null; 1957 } 1958 } 1959 </script> 1960 1961 @*<section class="slidePanel" id="slidePanel"> 1962 1963 <div class="slidePanel__container"> 1964 1965 <a href="javasciprt:void(0);" onclick="toggleClass('.slidePanel', 'open'); toggleClass('main', 'blur')" class="closeButton"> 1966 <i class="fal fa-circle-xmark"></i> 1967 </a> 1968 1969 1970 <nav class="sideMenu" id="sideMenu"> 1971 1972 <section class="sideMenu__container"> 1973 <a href="javascript:history.back();" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-reply"></i></a> 1974 <a href="/dashboard-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-grid-horizontal"></i></a> 1975 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-diagram-cells"></i></a> 1976 <a href="/button-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-link"></i></a> 1977 <a href="/background-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-paintbrush"></i></a> 1978 <a href="/jumbotron-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-megaphone"></i></a> 1979 <a href="/theme-configuration-page/theme-01" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-brush"></i></a> 1980 <a href="/font-configuration" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-font"></i></a> 1981 <a href="/device-manager" class="sideMenu__link"><i class="fal fa-computer"></i></a> 1982 </section> 1983 </nav> 1984 1985 </div> 1986 1987 </section>*@ 1988 1989 <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 1990 1991 } 1992 1993 1994 @if (isVisualEditor) 1995 { 1996 1997 int FooProductDetailLayoutID = 0; 1998 1999 <nav class="webshop-visual-editor__navigation"> 2000 <section class="webshop-visual-editor__link-container"> 2001 <a href="Default.aspx?ID=@ProductOverviewLayoutID" class="webshop-visual-editor__link"><i class="fa-regular fa-cart-shopping"></i> Edit Product Overview</a> 2002 </section> 2003 <section class="webshop-visual-editor__link-container"> 2004 <a href="Default.aspx?ID=@ProductDetailLayoutID" class="webshop-visual-editor__link"><i class="fa-regular fa-cart-shopping"></i> Edit Product Detail</a> 2005 <ul> 2006 @foreach (GridRow g in Dynamicweb.Services.Grids.GetGridRowsByPageId(ProductDetailLayoutID)) 2007 { 2008 2009 ProductDetailPageBreakpointRow _data = ItemManager.Storage.GetById<ProductDetailPageBreakpointRow>(g.ItemId.ToString()); 2010 FooProductDetailLayoutID = Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPageForItem("ProductDetailPage", _data.ProductDetailConfiguration.Id).ID; 2011 2012 <li><a href="Default.aspx?ID=@FooProductDetailLayoutID">@_data.ProductDetailConfiguration.Name</a></li> 2013 2014 } 2015 </ul> 2016 </section> 2017 </nav> 2018 2019 <style> 2020 .webshop-visual-editor__navigation { 2021 position: fixed; 2022 display: flex; 2023 top: 50px; 2024 left: 50px; 2025 z-index: 100000; 2026 flex-direction: row; 2027 } 2028 2029 .webshop-visual-editor__link { 2030 color: black; 2031 } 2032 2033 .webshop-visual-editor__link-container { 2034 position: relative; 2035 display: flex; 2036 box-shadow: -10px 10px 10px rgb(153 153 255 / 10%); 2037 background-color: white; 2038 padding: 5px; 2039 margin-right: 25px; 2040 flex-direction: column; 2041 } 2042 </style> 2043 2044 } 2045 2046 </body> 2047 </html> 2048